What do blind squirrels have to do with quilting? As it turns out, everything.
I just presented my newest book, Quilting Is My Therapy, at Quilt Market and it was completely humbling. Don’t get me wrong, every time I write a book, I pour myself into it. But this book was a completely different experience. For the first time, I couldn’t hide behind quilting samples, tips and illustrations. It was like shining a light inward, and it was scary.
I don’t think that I was born with more talent than anyone else. My quilting style has developed from over 13 years machine quilting. In between changing diapers, raising kids and trying to maintain a normal life, my love for quilting has been constant. It’s my hobby, my business…..my therapy.
Sprinkled between pictures of the quilts, I share my story.
“Wholecloth” by Angela Walters
The story of how a fast food employee became a professional machine quilter. It’s the same story of a young lady that found her love of quilting because of her husband’s Grandpa.
The story of how a new machine quilter became a vendor at a local quilt show and only got one customer. Seemingly a bust, until it led to a quilting friendship that results in some of my best quilting.
But I don’t share my story to share how great I think I am. I share it to show you how great you can be. Because, if I can do it, any one can. The first few paragraphs of the book explains the main idea:
Have you ever heard of the phrase, “Even a blind squirrel gets a nut sometimes”? It pretty much sums up my quilting career. Like most professionals in the quilting industry, I didn’t set out to be a professional quilter. It’s not as though that option is in the list of potential careers.
I didn’t grow up with family members that quilted, and I was never crafty—well, at least in the sense of making things. In fact, I failed the sewing machine test in eighth grade home economics….twice. All I had to do was identify the parts of sewing machine; I didn’t have to actually use it! If I am being honest, the only reason I passed the third time was because the teacher finally took pity on me and helped “suggest” some of the answers. So when I say, “If I can do it, anyone can,” you can take me at my word.
As you can see, I am just a blind squirrel that was fortunate to find my passion. But, just because I have stumbled upon quilting, it doesn’t mean that I can’t sink all that I have into it. I plan to keep quilting, even long after people are reading my website or taking my classes.
So I’d love to thank each and everyone one of you that support me. In fact, the last paragraphs in the book are dedicated to you:
One day in my studio, my middle child, Cloe, said wondrously, “You must have quilted a hundred quilts!” Laughing, I agreed that I had quilted at least a hundred quilts. I have no idea how many I have truly quilted, but I hope to have the opportunity to quilt twice as many.
I am not sharing my story to tell you how great I am. I am trying to show you how great you can be. If I can do it, anyone can. Now it’s your turn! What “nut” are you looking for? Go out and get it!
“Impracticality” by Angela Walters
Go find what you love! And if it’s machine quilting, then here’s to many years of Happy Quilting!
To get a copy of Quilting Is My Therapy for yourself, order here: