Our in-person quilting group meetings happen once a month on third Fridays and Saturdays at 9:30 a.m. You only have to come to one meeting each month. For non-local and international participants, we stream our meetings live on the Build A Quilt Facebook page on third Fridays.
Build A quilt block of the month
An Exclusive Quilting Group Experience

What is Build A Quilt?
Build A Quilt (BAQ) is a fun and easy way to dip your toes into the world of quilting. Local and online (including international!) quilters can participate in our monthly quilting group meetings and build a quilt step-by-step together. The fabric and patterns used for BAQ quilts are exclusive to participants.
Registration for 2024 Build a Quilt is closed. Check back in mid-October for details about the 2025 Build a Quilt.
Registration Opening Soon!
Our Build A Quilt registration for 2025 opens in mid-October.
Check back for all the details.
How Build A Quilt Works
Step 1: Choose your location
Will you be quilting with us in-store, online in the U.S., or internationally?
Step 2: Choose your colorway
When you join our quilting group, you can choose from 1 of 3 BAQ-exclusive colorway options. Each colorway features patterns and fabric designed in-house by Angela Walters.
Step 3: Receive your materials
You’ll receive your kit each month. It will include the fabric and pattern for a 12″ block in the colorway you chose. BAQ quilts are designed to incorporate 10 blocks.
Step 4: Quilt!
Start your block during our quilting group meetings (streamed live for online participants). At the end of the 10 months, you’ll have the option to purchase 1 of 3 finishing kits to put your quilt together!
Frequently Asked Questions
You can purchase as many colorways as you would like. Some of our builders love to do this for making larger or multiple quilts!
An oops kit is an extra set of fabric in your colorway. It’s the perfect remedy for those little “oops” moments like when you mis-cut your fabric.