Join us for our 7th Annual Quilt Walk!

This event is hosted by Angela Walters, owner of Quilting is My Therapy.

This year we’re stitching up a smoother Quilt Walk experience with Eventbrite!

Grab your FREE tickets HERE so we can keep our headcount in check and make sure everything comes together seamlessly.
Reserving a spot also ensures you are included in drawings for free gifts and book signings!

During the Quilt Walk, you’ll be treated to an array of quilts while wandering in and around participating businesses in downtown Liberty, MO. Displays will include vintage quilts, multi-generational quilts, modern quilts and more. Make the Quilt Walk quilt, designed exclusively for this event by Angela Walters. Each participating business will be handing out free quilt block patterns, as well as finishing instructions to make a special quilt of your own.

Join us for our 7th Annual Quilt Walk!

This event is hosted by Angela Walters, owner of Quilting is My Therapy.

This year we’re stitching up a smoother Quilt Walk experience with Eventbrite!

Grab your FREE tickets HERE so we can keep our headcount in check and make sure everything comes together seamlessly.
Reserving a spot also ensures you are included in drawings for free gifts and book signings!

During the Quilt Walk, you’ll be treated to an array of quilts while wandering in and around participating businesses in downtown Liberty, MO. Displays will include vintage quilts, multi-generational quilts, modern quilts and more. Make the Quilt Walk quilt, designed exclusively for this event by Angela Walters. Each participating business will be handing out free quilt block patterns, as well as finishing instructions to make a special quilt of your own.

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Jun 07 2025


10:00 am - 3:00 pm




QIMT Quilt Shop
2 E. Franklin St., Liberty, MO


Quilting Is My Therapy
Quilting Is My Therapy
QR Code

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