For the last year(!) I have been working with Creative Grids on a new set of machine quilting rulers. I have been so excited to share them with you, and now, finally, I can! Keep reading to see what they can do and to also learn how you can get free downloadable PDFs that will show you how to use them!

Let Me Introduce You to Petunia, Dot & Smiley

When I begin designing a machine quilting ruler, I first think about designs that quilters struggle with or even common frustrations that I might have when machine quilting. Once I nail those down, I set out creating a ruler that will help solve those problems. And this newest set is no different!

First Up, The “Petunia” Ruler

flower machine quilting ruler

Petunia’s superpower is helping you quilt flower shapes, arc and circles quickly and easily. I love creating rulers that can create different shapes. My goal is to make them as versatile as possible and I think that this machine quilting ruler does just that!

flower machine quilting ruler

Quilt along the outside of Petunia to create stunning floral shapes, flower meanders, stacked designs and more!

machine quilting ruler from angela walters

 You can also quilt along the inside of the ruler for beautiful circles and arcs.

Even better… can combine the two to create even more designs for your quilt top. Click here to learn more or to purchase the Petunia Ruler.

Next Up, the “Dot” Ruler

dot machine quilting ruler

I envisioned this ruler to help create angled, geometric lines with less marking. Specifically for the “Dot to Dot” quilting technique. Using the reference lines will help create lines of different angles for motifs, border designs and more.

Just like the Petunia, this ruler pulls double duty by incorporating a cut-out that you can quilt along to create even more shapes.

Click here to learn more or to order the Dot ruler.

Finally, the “Smiley” Ruler

arc machine quilting ruler

To be honest, I created Smiley to make my life a little easier! One thing that I hate about quilting around pointy rulers, such as arc rulers, is that it’s tricky to quilt around the points. Smiley helps solve this problem! 

Instead of quilting around the point of the ruler, I can quilt from needlestop to needlestop, then rotate the ruler.

Smiley can quilt arcs in two different sizes and can be used to create all sorts of designs, from echoed arcs to allover shapes.

Click here to learn more or to order the Smiley ruler.

Free Quilting Diagrams

I want you to love these rulers as much as I do! So I have put together free downloadable PDFs for each of the rulers. They include tips, diagrams and instructions on how to use them! Click here to download them.

To see the rulers in action, check out this video!